Sunday, 24 July 2011

Don't be selfish in love!

If you are a Western girl in a relationship with a guy from the Gulf, please do your research on laws of the country he lives in but most importantly about family dynamics, which is so so much different than in the West. It goes without saying that you should do extensive research about religion as well.

If you are a guy from the Gulf in a relationship with a Western non-muslim girl - for the love of God! Be honest with the her. I believe honesty is the best policy. Don't promise things you can't deliver. Don't give false hopes!

If you know you can't follow through with your promises and things you say at the very moment of saying them, don't say them at all! Keep your big mouth shut! You are not doing anyone any favours. Do you think that giving another person false hopes is cool? Think again! It's cruel and disrespectful to lead someone on.

How selfish and inconsiderate is it for a man to tell the girl he's been seeing for some time that he loves her and wants to be with her as a husband and wife, share his life with, if he KNOWS that his parents, mother in particular, will not love her as the girls that she already picked for him. He also knows that he does NOT have the strength or desire to stand up for her in front of his family. 
The wish of his parents means EVERYTHING to him. His pleased parents mean more than his own dreams. What his community/strangers think about him and his family is far more important than his own happiness. If he needs to leave you behind, make both of you miserable to please his parents, society - this is what is going to happen. 
If you are not going to compromise to help a relationship work out, say so. Show an ounce of decency respect to the other person's time and feelings by letting them know the above. / rant


Ʋƨɐɠɪ ❤ said...

Agreed 100%.
: )

Anonymous said...

:-) Well put….I think this is great piece of advice that everyone who is involved in such relation should read….Thanks for posting such thoughts and advice
