I saw fellow bloggers posting the vid and it tended to generate interesting discussions. I think the subject touches a sore spot with many people that's why I decided to write a post about it.
here is the vid:
I don't live in the USA, hence I'm not familiar with how extensive discrimination there is. I believe discrimination exists everywhere. I faced discrimination myself and I know how it feels.
If a vid/project like above would make people discriminate less, I'm all up for it. Really.
However, I feel that said vid pictures non-Muslims as bigoted, full of hate or ignorant at best. And we all know that's not the case with 100% of population. Yes, there are people as those presented in this short video but there are also people who are tolerant and approach everyone on an individual basis. I also dare to say that the latter group is much much larger.
It's exactly the same with Muslims. There will be few extreme ones who usually have big mouths and speak for all Muslims consequently painting all Muslims as extremists and terrorists. We all know that's not the case!
Now. I believe a lot of non-Muslims are concerned with Islam for a reason. Non-Muslims have legitimate questions about Islam that are very often brushed off as hate.
Please point me to a moment in the vid that addresses any of concerns that a non-Muslim person might have. I didn't see it.
Do you think that simply presenting Muslims and Islam as misunderstood is going to remove suspicion and in some cases fear of Islam? As if repeating "Islam is peace" often enough will make people believe that Islam IS peace. I don't think so.
Personally, I would much rather see an open debate about Islam between Islamic scholars and non-Muslims who are really knowledgable in the Qur'an, have studied Islam for a long time and preferably speak Arabic. They could discuss commonly brought up point or concerns supporting their arguments with scripture. They should take questions from audience or get them sent in advance to see which themes reoccur the most often.
I would even throw an ex-Muslim to the panel just to spice things up ;-)
THAT I think would be far more efficient in clearing misunderstandings, fears and concerns non-Muslims might have. What do YOU think?
It shows that many Muslims work and serve the community. Maybe we weren't watching the same video, but it says we are the same as others in the US. I understand more than most about the hatred towards Muslims here because I get the dirtiest looks. Now as far as being an Latin American, that just makes it worse. It is up to Muslimahs like myself to bring about a good face to Islam to show tolerance. I answer questions for people who want to know why I practice as I practice and I fervently decry the use of violence in any method. The problem comes with the fact that many Muslims just don't speak out. It is due to the fact that those good practicing Muslims do not bring attention to themselves. That is how it should be, but in doing so we fail to show that we do not support or believe the hate spreading being done.
I will share with you this: Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day;" but they do not (really) believe. Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realise (it) not! In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves). When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only Want to make peace!"
These are those that make problems and slander Islam. They will have to answer to God.
There is some debates that I have found for you:
thank you for your comment :-)
"It shows that many Muslims work and serve the community (...) it says we are the same as others in the US."
isn't it obvious? I see that, I already know that. So in that sense we watched the same vid :-) I don't need a vid to make me aware of it and I want to believe I'm in the majority.
however, i know there are people out there (thankfully, I haven't met one yet) who will have hateful attitudes towards Muslims and such attitudes MUST be challenged. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences..
I guess what I'm trying to say is that videos like the one above don't answer any questions to those who already know and treat Muslims as fellow human beings, co-workers, full-fledged law abiding citizens who contribute to the society. It didn't answer any of my questions. Personally, I think only through education and communication suspicion and fear of Muslims can be removed.
The only thing I question about vid like the one above is its effectiveness in achieving the goals it has. Do you think that people will change their attitudes after watching 3 min vid?
What I found interesting about the verses you provided 2:8-12 is this part: "In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie."
to my understanding a person steps on the path of disbelief or doubt. Allah instead of providing guidance or simply doing NOTHING pushes them further on the path of disbelief "increases their disease", yes? however, they are still going to be punished for it...
I think when Muslim majority countries get it together and demonstrate that they respect human rights of everyone, people can worship freely openly and build their places of worship, demonstrate that in large enough number they would not try to impose Sharia law in countries where there is democracy, and behave in general as if the "other" is not abhorant then nonmuslims might worry a bit less. Until then, I do think it is going to be a bit of an issue.
I would also love to see that debate!
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