It appears that those who are reading my blog are interested about my journey towards Islam.
There seems to be a misunderstanding that I wish to clear up.
I have no intention of becoming a Muslim. Something very extraordinary would have to happen for me to accept Islam as my religion.
I had a very brief moment that I thought: this is it! I found it!
But it appeared to be only emotions.
Since I'm an adult woman now I think that if I were to pick any religion for myself it would have to be the ultimate truth. I'm not a 'middle of the road' kind of person. It's all or nothing for me. If there is just one thing that I don't agree with, one thing that doesn't agree with my idea of God, then I will not go ahead with conversion.
Since I didn't convert to Islam, some of you will ask why not just leave it alone? Why am I writing about inconsistencies in other people's religion?
The answer is very simple. I find Islam absolutely fascinating. I find learning about it rewarding and satisfying. Sure, my views are not going to be very popular but I still want to put them out there.
No one is forcing you, but at least I wish that ..
The stories of girls like you realize us that because of us, girls like you suffer. It is us who are responsible for that. Your blog at least make us cry at least :)
hi Fahad,
sure, no one is dragging me to the mosque to pronunce my shahada but your relationship is at stake I would say it does count as emotional blackmail at least.
The stories of girls like you realize us that because of us, girls like you suffer
not quite sure what you meant by ^
take care!
Being interesting by Islam (or other religion / spiritual group) dos not mean convert to Islam or other religion / spiritual group), I agree.
But never say never, you may one day find a religion or spiritual path that will make sense to you and bring you closer to God.
In the meantime continue to put your feelings and thoughts here, I like the discussions and will continue to read you. Take care
hi Marie :-) hope you are well!
yeah, I never say never but hmm it'd be very unlikely... I'm not quite sure what would need to happen for me to change my mind :-)
thank you for your compliment :) stay well x
I think knowledge in it self is a very valuable thing, and if you are learning about Islam to increase your own knowledge and nothing else, that too is highly commendable.
All the best!
Well I was meant about the comment The stories of girls like you realize us that because of us, girls like you suffer
is because of many Muslims flirting with non Muslim girls and then leaving then in between is the reason for that non conversion :)
thanks Nas and all the best to you too! :-)
my break up with him wasn't the cause of me not converting to islam. it is the religion itself.
Hi Almost :)
I think you should definitely follow your heart! If Islam is not for you, then something else will :) It's ok to study islam but not convert, why wouldn't it be? I wish you all the best, and keep posting, my dear :)
At the end of the day, if you don't want to convert then that's your decision. & Fahad, to force someone to accept islam would be against our religion in the first place. We have free will for a reason. But Almost, if your still interested in studying Islam I definitely recommend taking a look at the signs before the day of judgement (it would be impossible for prophet muhammad to have been able to accurately say those things 1400 years ago. And by signs I don't mean the 10 nearest to the day of judgement, as they haven't happened yet, but the signs in the middle. Oh man, thats a bad explanation lol, I have them written in a book somewhere that I'll post another time...). And the scientific facts found in the Quran like embryology too. They're all very fascinating and are what led me to believe in Islam myself. Also, has a live broadcasting with great scholars talking about information regarding islam, it's very informative and fab for explaning things :)
nice blog .. :)
thanks Aman :-)
added you as well! stay well :-)
I agree with MarieHarmony: "never say never"
I am really hopeful that it's possible that you can not only revert to Islam but also there are chances that a researcher like you will turn into a firm believer, insha-Allah.
I'm also a non-Muslim obsessed with Islam, so I totally identify with what you are saying.
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